In our society today, we have multiple avenues of "meeting" people. With all of the different social media platforms, group class activities such as gyms, dance, zumba or class settings, we have the opportunity to become familiar with various people at once. Although we may have shared a space in time in the presence of the person, we still can't claim to "know" them. Knowing a person will require time dedicated to dialogue that will give you personal insight into that persons life experience.
As a way to foster true relationships among those persons we encounter within the business, community and spiritual community,JCN began hosting fellowship nights. The "KNOW THOSE WHO LABOR AMONG YOU" Fellowship events, are open to everyone and promotes unity among the participants.
The first fellowship took place at Up In Smoke BBQ during the Christmas Holidays. The group enjoyed learning facts about each person at the table through their participation in answering questions such as "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" The answers revealed not only their dream destination, but allowed many to learn there was various commonalities amongst the group. In addition, group participation exercises brought about a roar of laughter as participant were required to sing the lyrics to the Christmas Carol found under their napkin. The discovery of those who are gifted singers and those that are not was quickly revealed, yet the camaraderie was priceless.

Both nights of fellowship allowed persons from different backgrounds, social/economic backgrounds, age ranges and most of all different church and/or non church affiliations to come together in a bond of unity. The fostering of dialogue and activities reveal insight that allowed a direct exchange of knowledge about each person. And exchange which gave a foundation to building relationships within the participating group to truly get to "KNOW" each other.
We encourage you to participate in the next fellowship event "BOWLING" in the month of March. Details will be posted here on the blog. We look forward to getting to "KNOW" you.
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