How often have we either heard or have said, "I know you" when we've encounter a familiar face. In some instances, we maybe able to recall that persons name, yet more than likely we can not. The mere recognition of the persons face triggers a reflection within time, in which you experienced something pertaining to that person. You may not even be able to state the "when" or "where", but you "know" the person. Or do you really?
In our society today, we have multiple avenues of "meeting" people. With all of the different social media platforms, group class activities such as gyms, dance, zumba or class settings, we have the opportunity to become familiar with various people at once. Although we may have shared a space in time in the presence of the person, we still can't claim to "know" them. Knowing a person will require time dedicated to dialogue that will give you personal insight into that persons life experience.
As a way to foster true relationships among those persons we encounter within the business, community and spiritual community,JCN began hosting fellowship nights. The "KNOW THOSE WHO LABOR AMONG YOU" Fellowship events, are open to everyone and promotes unity among the participants.
The first fellowship took place at Up In Smoke BBQ during the Christmas Holidays. The group enjoyed learning facts about each person at the table through their participation in answering questions such as "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" The answers revealed not only their dream destination, but allowed many to learn there was various commonalities amongst the group. In addition, group participation exercises brought about a roar of laughter as participant were required to sing the lyrics to the Christmas Carol found under their napkin. The discovery of those who are gifted singers and those that are not was quickly revealed, yet the camaraderie was priceless.
The second fellowship took place at Ziggy's and wasunknowingly planned on a day that conflicted with many of the participants schedules. Although, the number of participants was reduced this fellowship brought a refreshing bonding between the men participating that night. From a female perspective, the open and candid sharing of advice, life experience, and motivation was an occurrence scarcely witness in the competitive world of today; especially due to the fact that they were meeting for the first time. The group exercise of the night was "WHO AM I". The participants each pulled an index card from the stack, and held the card up to the other, revealing a cartoon character. The person viewing the card revealed clues to the person holding the card, until he was able to guess the identity of the cartoon character. The exchange was hilarious, the descriptions of the characters was colorful and offer up details that were on point and some that was not even close. The fun was so obvious until the Owner of the restaurant had to join us in the photo to show support.
Both nights of fellowship allowed persons from different backgrounds, social/economic backgrounds, age ranges and most of all different church and/or non church affiliations to come together in a bond of unity. The fostering of dialogue and activities reveal insight that allowed a direct exchange of knowledge about each person. And exchange which gave a foundation to building relationships within the participating group to truly get to "KNOW" each other.
We encourage you to participate in the next fellowship event "BOWLING" in the month of March. Details will be posted here on the blog. We look forward to getting to "KNOW" you.
February 7, 2014, was the launch of the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Public Health Service Providers and Community Service Organizations all over the country sponsored HIV Awareness Events. The offering of information, free testing, counseling and medication assistance was presented to the general public through each of these events.
Within our local area, the Bond Community Health Center sponsored a community BLOCK PARTY in observance of this most important day of awareness. This event was open to other Healthcare Providers, Community Service Organizations, Business' and Spiritual Entities, as a partnership opportunity. Each one was encouraged to set up an information table highlighting their HIV Campaign and/or services.
Jewels Covenant Network Inc. answered the call and set up an information tent. Throughout the course of the day visitors from the surrounding community visited our table and filled their bags with informational brochures and received a special treat for being tested at the Mobile Health Unit on site.
Many of our visitors expressed that it was a "relief" to not wonder about their status any longer. JCN's HIV Awareness Campaign slogan (SELF+LOVE=KNOWING) brought about a dialogue that opened the doorway for us to share even more of the informational facts we in the African American community must become mindful of and share with each other. One such fact is that in Florida, approximately 100,000 people are HIV positive and 1 in 49 Black Floridians are currently living with HIV infection. The misconception that testing requires health insurance or will cost a fee, has deterred many from seeking their personal results. This is a false perception. There are numerous testings sites that are FREE OF CHARGE. Results are confidential and trained counselors are available to provide pre/post testing counseling.
If you or someone you know has not been tested in the Tallahassee or surrounding area contact:
Bond Community Health Center
1720 S. Gadsden St.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 576 -4073